Occupational therapist | Shiatsu practitioner | Osteopath in training | Thai masseuse
Opening hours:
Monday afternoon: Practice in Velden
Tuesday afternoon: Practice in Klagenfurt
Wednesday morning: Practice in Velden
Thursday afternoon: Practice in Klagenfurt
Appointments can be arranged by telephone on +43 650 987 4577 or by email: office@holistic-flow.net
Practice in Velden
Haydnweg 6, 9220 Velden
Directions and car parking for Velden:
Park at Haydnweg 4 in front of the Shiatsu-Thai Massage car parking space or next to it. The entrance to the practice is in the white house. The treatments take place on the first floor. Please enter without ringing the bell and take a seat in the waiting room upstairs.
Group practice Kornkreis
Radetzkystraße 9, 9020 Klagenfurt
The shared practice is located on the 2nd floor. There is a lift on the right-hand side of the entrance. Please take a seat in the waiting room and wait until I come to fetch you for treatment.
Irina Urbajs
Ergotherapist |Shiatsu practitioner |
Osteopath in training | Thai Masseur
Practice in Velden
Haydnweg 6, 9220 Velden
Address of the group practice Kornkreis
Radetzkystraße 9, 9020 Klagenfurt