Musical accompaniment & „Sound Journey“

Holistic Flow on

"Life without rhythm does not exist."

Albert Einstein

We know from quantum physics that everything consists of vibration and frequency and therefore of sound. Every cell in our body has its own resonance frequency.

Through the use of rhythm and frequency, we can bring our brain waves to shift our everyday consciousness into a meditative state. In this altered state of consciousness, we are able to experience profound healing and reweave our connection to the flow of life

Participants will be taken on a sound journey to immerse themselves in the gentle, sweet sounds of the harp. They connect us with the power of intuition, inner peace and trust in ourselves and in life.


On request

Soul Journey with harp and singing

On request

Musical accompaniment

I have been accompanying groups with harp and singing for many years, e.g. Sonia Emilia Rainbow’s seminars, weddings, funerals and various yoga events.
The costs for the accompaniment of yoga classes

1 unit 100€ (+ travelling expenses)

Accompaniment of events and ceremonies are agreed individually and depend on the length and effort (+ travelling expenses).