"When mindfulness touches something beautiful, it reveals its beauty. When it touches something painful, it transforms it and heals it."

Thich Nhat Hanh


Shi = thumb, tsu = pressure

Shiatsu is a form of manual holistic bodywork therapy that originates from traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine. It connects the old Asian wisdom with newer Western techniques, such as psychology, osteopathy, massage, and physiotherapy.

Purpose of shiatsu is to achieve a balance between our body, mind and spirit. In accomplishing this goal, the therapist stimulates certain points on the meridians, later is done with the help of various acupressure techniques: by therapist pressing their different extremities – thumb, palm, elbow, knees or feet – on the patient.
The activation and mobilization of the whole body is attained by using a variety of manual techniques, such as stretching, rotation, and rocking (swinging).

Effects of shiatsu therapy


The biggest advantage of shiatsu therapy is preventive; it activates self-healing, helps the body with maintaining harmony and balance and strengthens its overall well-being.

Enhancing well-being

This ancient method strengthens our immune system and overall well-being, it stimulates our life energy and supports self-perception of our body.


Shiatsu treatment has an effect on balancing a woman’s menstrual cycle and as well reliefs potential menopausal problems.


At a time of changing values as a consequence of our modern civilization lifestyle, shiatsu therapy promotes personal development and helps to overcome variety of personal obstacles (for example: sadness, fear, apprehension, etc.).

Children and youth

Shiatsu therapy supports mental and physical development of children and strengthens human individual potentials. Even children with self-awareness problems, concentration problems, or hyperactivity respond positively to shiatsu therapy. I have used shiatsu therapy methods during my therapeutic work in pediatrics and have gained good practical experiences that I can apply.

Disfunction relief

Shiatsu therapy alleviates mood disorders such as tiredness, fatigue, lack of energy and stress (burnout); sleep disorders; depression; anxiety and panic attacks; digestive and stomach problems; headaches and migraines; respiratory diseases (asthma); disorders of the circulatory system and musculoskeletal problems (for example: tension of the nape of the neck, shoulders and back, etc.).

I would be happy to accompany YOU over a longer period of time on your personal path to greater well-being, lightness and enjoyment of life.

As results of shiatsu therapy are best seen after certain amount of time, I advise every patient to commit themselves to follow this path – which will lead them to overall well-being, contentment and more enjoyment of life – for a longer period of time.
Important notice: Holistic bodywork treatments are alternative and complementary methods and should not be used as a replacement of any official medical treatment as well of other medical and psychiatric services.