Shiatsu is a form of manual holistic bodywork therapy that originates from traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine. It connects the old Asian wisdom with newer Western techniques, such as psychology, osteopathy, massage, and physiotherapy.
Purpose of shiatsu is to achieve a balance between our body, mind and spirit. In accomplishing this goal, the therapist stimulates certain points on the meridians, later is done with the help of various acupressure techniques: by therapist pressing their different extremities – thumb, palm, elbow, knees or feet – on the patient.
The activation and mobilization of the whole body is attained by using a variety of manual techniques, such as stretching, rotation, and rocking (swinging).
Irina Urbajs
Ergotherapist |Shiatsu practitioner |
Osteopath in training | Thai Masseur
Practice in Velden
Haydnweg 6, 9220 Velden
Address of the group practice Kornkreis
Radetzkystraße 9, 9020 Klagenfurt