Occupational therapy.
Strengthened in everyday life

Occupational therapy is very valuable. The person is recognised with all their abilities (physical, emotional, mental and social) and strengthened exactly where support is needed.

Occupational therapy

deals with the basic physical, mental and social needs of every person in their daily life. After a detailed anamnesis a targeted diagnosis is generated. We use appropriate therapeutic methods to relearn lost and preserve existing abilities. In the case of activity problems, the individual skills are developed and strengthened together.

Steps to occupational therapy

Receiving the referral from the doctor

Authorizing by the health insurance company (not necessary at the moment)

After paying the invoice a part of your costs will be refunded by your health insurance company


Occupational therapy services

Motor-functional treatment

is specialised in occupational therapy for the upper extremities. It is used for injuries to the musculoskeletal system, joint, bone, connective tissue and...

Myofascial trigger point therapy

is recognizing pain triggers (restriction of movement, loss of strength, inflammation, arthrosis...) and treating them using acupressure and fascial stretching.

Mindfulness training and sensory integration

is a recognized method to support the treatment of various illnesses. Focusing on the moment can reduce stress and the associated symptoms such as ...

Motor functional treatment

is specialised in occupational therapy for the upper extremities. It is used for injuries to the musculoskeletal system, joint, bone, connective tissue and muscle disorders (e.g. osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy, carpal tunnel syndrome…) as well as inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.


  • Joint mobilisation
  • Impact on muscles, connective tissue and the vascular system
  • Strengthening and mobilisation of fine- and gross motor skills
  • Therapy of sensorimotor skills (mobility, coordination, body awareness, endurance)
  • Pain relief
  • Thermal treatment (heat, cold)
  • Reduction of swelling and scar interference suppression

Myofascial trigger point therapy

(of the upper extremity)

is recognizing pain triggers (restriction of movement, loss of strength, inflammation, arthrosis…) and treating them using acupressure and fascial stretching.

Mindfulness training

is a recognized method to support the treatment of various illnesses. Focusing on the moment can reduce stress and the associated symptoms such as insomnia, restlessness or loss of concentration. People with depression, burn-out, anxiety, perceptual difficulties, children with ADHD and concentration disorders also benefit from practicing it. The mindfulness training is complemented by meditation, awareness exercises and sensorimotor integration exercises, thus strengthening self-esteem and self-acceptance.
